Investment Management Support


Managing your organization’s cash reserves in a financially responsible way is a topic that we all know is important - but most smaller nonprofits don’t have the time or expertise to take on. We help nonprofits get started on the road to long-term financial stability by creating a framework they can use to strategically invest their reserves in a way that meets their specific needs.


We keep you involved every step of the way by making sure you understand exactly what is happening - and why - at every point of the process. We do all the research, the homework, the legwork, the tough stuff - and then you get to make the final decisions about exactly what works best for you. We help you take control of your financial future.


Since we only provide investment management support to organizations that we already provide other ongoing accounting services to, we integrate investment data into your accounting software so you can track and understand exactly what is going on at any given time. We want key staff and board members to be able to know what is happening, so you can make the best decisions with confidence.