Staff Training and Support


Accounting feels like a foreign language, and non-profit accounting feels like an obscure dialect that hardly anyone knows how to speak. Your staff want to do the right things for the right reasons, but it’s not easy to learn how to be successful. We can take the time needed to help your staff learn how they can work alongside us to fulfill their role in your organization’s bookkeeping responsibilities without wanting to pull their hair out.


One reason that we focus on Central Oregon (where we live and work everyday) is that we want to make sure we have a strong, positive, and personal relationship with everyone we work with. When you need help remembering how to create that invoice or record that payment - we want to know so we can respond to your needs. Helping you become empowered to succeed is something we take a lot of pride in accomplishing.


Teaching isn’t just about pouring a bucket of information over someone’s head and assuming they can drink every last drop. Teaching is about a relationship, where we take the time to listen to how you learn - so we can patiently guide you forward in whatever learning style works best for you. This takes time, and we’re there for you so you know that we are backing you every step of the way.